Updating Logos Within Hike White-Label

1 min read

Navigate to your white-label settings.

Head to Image Settings & upload the relevant images.

Click Update Information.

If you are unsure which logos need to be used where we have a handy guide below, you can also find this within the platform if you click on the blue ‘Unsure?’ button.

Top Logo

The small logo is always visible on the platform in the top left-hand corner of the website. You can see an example of this below.

(Optimum size: 55px X 55px)


The favicon is visible from the top of the browser bar and will stay the same throughout the platform. You can see an example of this below.

(Optimum size: 32px X 32px)

Login Logo

The login logo is used when you visit https://my.hike.marketing and you are not logged in. You can see an example of this below.

(Optimum size: 140px X 80px)

Login Background

The login background is used when you visit https://my.hike.marketing and you are not logged in. You can see an example of this below.

(Optimum size: 1600px X 1100px)

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