Can You Do SEO For A Client's Website That Isn't Live Yet?

2 min read

Yes! You can! And you really should…

A question we get asked a lot is...

"Does the client need to have a fully developed website before I can help them with SEO?"

The simple answer is no. In fact, you should be doing SEO for them now, as this is a critical point.

Starting their SEO campaign now can help you structure their new website so it's in the best shape and ready for SEO.

What do I mean by this? Well, when a website launches many business owners don't think about SEO when they create the structure of their website.

They think about what their competitors might be doing, what they personally want, what they think looks good, etc.

And this is important (if done in an un-biased fashion), but they rarely think about how the structure of their website and what pages they build will affect SEO.

They will want their website to rank in Google for keywords their customers are searching for, and this requires them to have the right landing pages in place.

You can't rank for keywords without having dedicated pages, and this often is forgotten.

And this is where you can support them, and Hike specifically helps you with this.

During the first stage of Hike you select the keywords that are relevant for their business.

The next stage is to assign these keywords to pages on their website, but as they don't have a finished website you can start to build out a proposed website sitemap using this feature for them.

When you click 'Add Page To Sitemap' you can check a box to say that the page/pages don't exist yet:

Then we will add these pages to the sitemap so you can drag keywords to them, and ensure you have the right landing pages for all of the relevant keywords you identified on the previous step.

You can then show them what pages they need to have in place before they launch!

Hope that helps!

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