How Long Does It Take For My Custom Domain To Be Pushed Live?

1 min read

Hike’s White-Label service allows agency customers to rebrand the Hike platform and sell it as their own. However, before you can begin offering your SEO platform to your customers, your custom domain needs to be correctly set up.

It’s essential that the correct steps have been followed in order for your custom domain to be pushed live. Here's a short guide showing the steps you need to take to set up your white-label custom domain:

  1. Navigate to your white-label settings.
  1. Add a CNAME record for the custom domain and point it to
  1. Enter your custom domain into the box.

    When adding your custom domain please enter it without http:// or https://. We will automatically create an SSL for your domain free of charge.

  1. Click on Update Domain.

It is important to understand that you need to add a CNAME record for your custom domain for the custom domain to work.

When this has been created it may take up to 72 hours to propagate. Only once it has propagated will it show the Hike platform.

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