With your custom email set up, your customers will receive platform emails directly from your email address. To ensure these emails are delivered securely and don’t end up in spam folders, it’s important to set up and verify DKIM and return-path. These settings improve email security and help manage bounces effectively.
Follow the steps below to make sure your emails land where they’re supposed to – your customers’ inboxes!
Step 1: Find the DKIM and Return-Path records
- Go to Agency > White-label and scroll to DKIM and Return-Path.
- You'll need to copy these records, so please keep the window open.

Step 2: Identify your DNS provider
If you already know your DNS provider, great! You can move straight to Step 3.
If you're not sure which DNS provider you're using, try asking your developer, or using the following:
- Enter your domain name (e.g. myshopify.com) and click Lookup
- On the results page, scroll down to Registrar Information.
- The registrar is usually your domain host.
Step 3: Add the records to your DNS provider
After identifying the DNS provider, log in to your DNS provider and follow the steps below to add the DKIM and Return-Path values to it. (If your DNS provider asks for Time to live (TTL), do leave it as default.)
1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Domains. 2. Select the domain that you want to configure. 3. Click Domain settings > Edit DNS settings. 4. Click Add custom record. ◦ Type: Select TXT record. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ TXT value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 5. Click Confirm.
1. Click Add custom record again. ◦ Type: Select CNAME record. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Points to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Confirm.
1. Scroll down to the TXT section. 2. Click Add record. ◦ Host Record: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ TXT Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Save.
1. From your Bluehost admin, go to Domains > My Domains. 2. In the domain that you want to configure, click Manage > DNS. 3. Scroll down to the CNAME section. 4. Click Add record. ◦ Host Record: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Points To: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 5. Click Save.
1. From your GoDaddy admin, go to Domain Portfolio. 2. Click "..." > Edit DNS. 3. Click Add New Record. ◦ Type: select TXT record. ◦ Name or Host: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ TXT value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Save.
1. Click Add New Record again. ◦ Type: select CNAME record. ◦ Name or Host: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Save.
Google Domains
1. From your Google Domains admin, go to My domains > DNS. 2. Scroll down to Custom resource records. ◦ In the first box, paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Set type to TXT. ◦ In the Text box, paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Add.
1. In the same Custom resource records: ◦ In the first box, paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Set type to CNAME. ◦ In the Domain name box, paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Add.
1. From your Cloudflare admin, click DNS. 2. Click Add record. ◦ Type: select TXT record. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Content: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Save.
1. Click Add record again. ◦ Type: select CNAME record. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Content: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Save.
Note: the Return-Path should be set to DNS only.
1. From your Namecheap admin, go to Domain List. 2. Click Manage next to your domain and go to the Advanced DNS tab. 3. Click Add new record. ◦ Type: select TXT record. ◦ Host: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Save all changes.
1. Click Add new record again. ◦ Type: select CNAME record. ◦ Host: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Save all changes.
1. From your DNSimple admin, go to the DNS record editor. 2. From the Add a Record menu, select TXT record. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Content: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Add record.
1. From the Add a Record menu, select CNAME record this time. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Content: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Add record.
1. From your SiteGround admin, go to Site Tools > Domain > DNS Zone Editor. 2. From the Create New Record section, go to the TXT tab. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Create.
1. From the Create New Record section, go to the CNAME tab. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Resolves to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Create.
1. From your Linode admin, go to Domains and click on the domain you want. 2. Scroll down to CNAME record and click Add a CNAME Record. ◦ Hostname: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Alias to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 3. Click Save.
1. Scroll down to TXT record and click Add a TXT Record. ◦ Hostname: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 2. Click Save.
DNS Made Easy
1. From your DNS Made Easy admin, go to the DNS dropdown and select Managed DNS. 2. Select the domain you want. 3. On the Records page, scroll down to TXT Records (SPF) and click on "+". ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Submit.
1. On the Records page, scroll down to CNAME records and click on "+". ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Alias to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Submit.
1. From your Dreamhost admin, go to Manage Websites > DNS Settings. 2. Click Add Record. 3. Hover over the TXT Record section and click ADD. ◦ Host: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ TXT Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Add Record.
1. Click Add Record again. 2. Hover over the CNAME Record section and click ADD. ◦ Host: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Points to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 3. Click Add Record.
1. From your DigitalOcean admin, go to Networking and click on the domain you want. 2. In Create new record, go to the TXT tab. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. ◦ Hostname: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. 3. Click Create record.
1. In Create new record, now go to the CNAME tab. ◦ Hostname: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Is an alias of: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Create record.
1. From your Hostgator admin, go to Domains > click Zone Editor. 2. Go to the domain you want and click Manage. 3. Click + Add Record. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Type: Select TXT. ◦ Record: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Add Record.
1. Click + Add Record again. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Type: Select CNAME. ◦ Record: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Add Record.
1. From your Hover admin, go to the Domain's Overview page> DNS section. 2. Click Add a record. ◦ Type: Select TXT. ◦ Host: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Add Record.
1. Click Add a record again. ◦ Type: Select CNAME. ◦ Host: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Value: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Add Record.
Media Temple
1. From your Media Temple admin, select the domain you want. 2. Under DNS & ZONE FILES, click Edit DNS Zone File. 3. Click + Add row. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Type: Select TXT. ◦ Date: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 4. Click Save changes.
1. Click + Add row again. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Type: Select CNAME. ◦ Date: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Save changes.
DKIM 1. From your Gandi admin, under Domain, select your domain and click DNS Records. 2. Click Add. ◦ Type: Select TXT. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1. ◦ Text value: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. 3. Click Create. Return-Path 1. Click Add again. ◦ Type: Select CNAME. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Text value: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Create.
1. From your Netregistry admin, select the domain you want. 2. Go to Zone Manager and click Add a zone record. ◦ Type: Select TXT. ◦ Name: Paste in the DKIM hostname from Step 1 . ◦ Content: Paste in the DKIM value from Step 1. Make sure to put it inside a speech mark “...”. 3. Click Add Record.
1. Click Add a zone record again. ◦ Type: Select CNAME. ◦ Name: Paste in the Return-Path hostname from Step 1. ◦ Points to: Paste in the Return-Path value from Step 1. 2. Click Add Record.
Step 4: Verify the records
Once you've added the records to your DNS provider,
It may take between a few minutes to 48 hours for the DKIM and Return-Path records to propagate.
Click verify by the record. If everything is working, “verified” will show.

If you run into trouble or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.