Setup A White-Label Custom Domain

2 min read

Trying to set up your custom domain but not sure where to start? This short guide will walk you through a step-by-step process of how you can get started.

1. Choose your custom domain

Firstly, you’ll need to navigate to your white-label settings. Then, choose the custom domain you want to use for the platform and enter it into the box on-screen. This can be any domain or subdomain that you have access to. e.g.

When adding your custom domain, please enter it without http:// or https://. We will automatically create an SSL for your domain free of charge.

Please note that some registrars restrict setting CNAME records for root domains. If you have any issues, please contact your registrar for advice. It may be the case that you need it as a subdomain in order for it to work.

2. Update the DNS for your custom domain

All you need to do is to add a CNAME record for the custom domain and point it to If you encounter any problems with this, please reach out over live chat.

3. Check for domain verification

We'll proceed to verify your custom domain to ensure it's configured properly. Should there be any concerns, they'll be displayed on this page. After making any modifications, please click the "Re-verify" button so we can reassess the domain's status.

When this process has been finalized, it may take up to 72 hours to propagate. Only once it has propagated will it show the Hike platform.

If you encounter any issues during this process, please reach out to the live chat.

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